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SalesforcenCino 201 Commercial Banking Functional Exam Questions – Schnelle Vorbereitung

SalesforcenCino 201 Commercial Banking Functional Exam Questions – Schnelle Vorbereitung

Haben Sie auch nur begrenzt Zeit für die Vorbereitung auf die SalesforcenCino 201 Commercial Banking Functional Exam? Wir stellen Ihnen hier die SalesforcenCino 201 Commercial Banking Functional Prüfungsfragen als schnellen Weg bereit, um sich gut auf Ihre Prüfung vorzubereiten. Sie müssen nur alle 201 Commercial Banking Functional Fragen und Antworten regelmäßig mit der PDF-Datei üben. Wir garantieren, dass Sie Ihre SalesforcenCino 201 Commercial Banking Functional-Prüfung beim ersten Versuch bestehen.

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1. When setting a Route to look at a VisualForce Page what field holds the API name of the VisualForce Page?

2. True or False? Workbench can be used to query salesforce records that are otherwise difficult to report on.

3. True or False? It is NOT important to have a corresponding customer request/permission before attempting to data load.

4. True or False? A Change Memo is used to request an approval to change terms, rate, amount, etc. AFTER the Loan has already been approved - but BEFORE the Loan has been closed/booked.

5. When using reports to assist in a data load, which file type should that report be saved as?

6. True or False? Document Manager requires permission sets in order for users to upload documents.

7. True or False: Spelling and punctuation should match exactly when configuring back end product catalog and front end product catalog.

8. True or False? A Loan converts to a lead through the "Convert to nCino" button.

9. 1. What is configured that determines the approval process a record will go through?

10. True or False? A Limit or a Sub Limit adds additional exposure to the overall hierarchy.


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