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DCA-Prüfung Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Studienführer Online

DCA-Prüfung Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Studienführer Online

Docker Certified Associate (DCA) wurde entwickelt, um diese Fähigkeiten mit realen Fragen zu validieren, die von erfahrenen Docker-Praktikern entwickelt wurden. Der Docker DCA-Studienführer online, geschrieben vom professionellen Team von, enthält 166 Übungsprüfungsfragen mit präzisen Antworten. Erweiterte DCA Docker Certified Associate-Prüfungsfragen mit verifizierten Antworten von, die die 100% echten Prüfungspraxisfragen zusammen mit den Docker DCA-PDF-Fragen enthalten, bieten Ihnen eine faire Möglichkeit innerhalb der Docker Certified Associate-Prüfungsfragen.

Kostenlose Fragen zum Docker Certified Associate (DCA) können unten gelesen werden

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1. Does this describe the role of Control Groups (cgroups) when used with a Docker container?

Solution: accounting and limiting of resources

2. What is the recommended way to configure the daemon flags and environment variables for your Docker daemon in a platform independent way?

3. The Kubernetes yaml shown below describes a clusterIP service.

Is this a correct statement about how this service routes requests?

Solution: Traffic sent to the IP of any pod with the label app: nginx on port 8080 will be forwarded to port 80 in that pod.

4. What is one way of directly transferring a Docker Image from one Docker host in another?

5. Wha is the purpose of Docker Content Trust?

6. Will this command ensure that overlay traffic between service tasks is encrypted?

Solution: docker network create -d overlay --secure

7. Some Docker images take time to build through a Continuous Integration environment. You want to speed up builds and take advantage of build caching.

Where should the most frequently changed part of a Docker image be placed in a Dockerfile?

8. You add a new user to the engineering organization in DTR.

Will this action grant them read/write access to the engineering/api repository?

Solution: Add them to a team in the engineering organization that has read/write access to the engineering/api repository.

9. You are running only Kubernetes workloads on a worker node that requires maintenance, such as installing patches or an OS upgrade

Which command must be run on the node to gracefully terminate all pods on the node, while marking the node as unschedulable?

10. Is this a Linux kernel namespace that is disabled by default and must be enabled at Docker engine runtime to be used?

Solution: user


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