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CIA-Prüfung Teil 2: Praxis der internen Revision IIA-CIA-Teil2 Prüfungsfragen

CIA-Prüfung Teil 2: Praxis der internen Revision IIA-CIA-Teil2 Prüfungsfragen

Die Zertifizierung zum IIA Certified Internal Auditor erfordert den Abschluss von drei aufgeführten Teilen:

CIA-Prüfung Teil 2: Praxis der internen Revision IIA-CIA-Teil2-Prüfungsfragen sind verfügbar, damit Sie Teil 2 erfolgreich abschließen können. IIA-CIA-Part2 Prüfungsfragen helfen Ihnen, sich auf die effizienteste Art und Weise auf die IIA-CIA-Part2 CIA-Prüfung Teil 2: Praxis der Internen Revision vorzubereiten. Alternativ helfen Ihnen die IIA-CIA-Part2-Prüfungsfragen und -Antworten dabei, die echte IIA-CIA-Part2-Prüfung zu verstehen.

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1. Many questionnaires are made up of a series of different questions that use the same response categories (for example: strongly agree, agree, neither, disagree, strongly disagree). Some designs will have different groups of respondents answer alternate versions of the questionnaire that present the questions in different orders and reverse the orientation of the endpoints of the scale (for example: agree on the right and disagree on the left).

The purpose of such questionnaire variations is to:

2. The efficiency of internal audit operations is best enhanced if workpaper standards:

3. An auditor for a major retail company suspects that inventory fraud is occurring at three stores which have high costs of goods sold.

Which of the following audit activities would provide the most persuasive evidence that fraud is occurring?

4. Which of the following will be an appropriate course of action when an auditor disagrees with a client about a well-documented audit finding?

5. As part of an operational audit of the shipping department, an auditor selected a sample of 45 daily shipping logs from the department's files. On 44 of the days, the log contained a sufficient number of shipments to meet the department's daily quota. Based on this test, the auditor concluded that the shipping department was effective at meeting its quotas.

Which of the following is true about the auditor's conclusion?

6. In a sampling application, the group of items about which the auditor wants to estimate some characteristic is called the.

7. An audit of management's quality program includes testing the accuracy of the cost-of-quality reports provided to management.

Which of the following internal control objectives is the focus of this testing?

8. When assessing the risk associated with an activity, an internal auditor should:

9. A manufacturing process could create hazardous waste at several production stages, from raw materials handling to finished goods storage.

If the objective of a pollution prevention audit engagement is to identify opportunities for minimizing waste, in what order should the following opportunities be considered?

I. Recycling and reuse.

II. Elimination at the source.

III. Energy conservation.

IV. Recovery as a usable product Treatment.

10. Which of the following data collection strategies systematically tests the effects of various factors on an outcome?


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