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ACP Cloud Security Professional-Zertifizierung ACP-Sec1-Übungsprüfungsfragen

ACP Cloud Security Professional-Zertifizierung ACP-Sec1-Übungsprüfungsfragen

Kennen Sie die Zertifizierungsprüfung ACP-Sec1 ACP Cloud Security Professional? Es ist die professionelle Stufe der Alibaba Cloud Security-Zertifizierung. Bei der Vorbereitung auf die ACP-Sec1-Prüfung können Sie die richtigen Online-Lernfragen zur Vorbereitung verwenden, daher wird dringend empfohlen. Alibaba Cloud ACP-Sec1-Übungsprüfungsfragen im wurden entwickelt, um Ihre ACP Cloud-Sicherheitszertifizierungsprüfung zu bewerten. Verwenden Sie die PDF-Datei der ACP-Sec1-Prüfung, um Ihre Schwächen im ACP-Sec1-Test zu erkennen. Es wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und den Alibaba Cloud ACP-Sec1-Test in einem Versuch zu bestehen.

Lesen Sie die kostenlosen ACP-Sec1-Fragen, um die Demo der ACP Cloud Security Professional-Zertifizierung zu überprüfen.

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1. You have bought an ECS instance on Alibaba Cloud After deploying a Python environment on it, which of the following is the easiest and quickest way to monitor whether the Python process is running normally and report an alert if the process is accidentally terminated?

2. Import the key material

3. Clean bandwidth refers to the maximum normal clean bandwidth that can be processed by Anti-DDoS Premium instances when your business is not under attack. Make sure that the Clean bandwidth of the instance is greater than the peak value of the inbound or outbound traffic of all services connected to the Anti-DDoS Premium instances

If the actual traffic volume exceeds the maximum Clean bandwidth, your business may be subject to traffic restrictions or random packet losses, and your normal business may be unavailable, slowed, or delayed for a certain period of time

4. A customer built his website on Alibaba Cloud- To defend against Web attacks he activated Alibaba Cloud WAF However, a week later, the customer finds that his website has suffered intrusion.

Which of the following actions should he take to ensure that WAF functions correctly and enhance system security? (Number of correct answers: 4)

5. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is mainly used for interconnection between autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet It. Controlling route transmission and selecting the best route Alibaba Cloud uses a BGP multi-line access mechanism for all its IDCs in China.

Which of the followings are advantages of a BGP multi-line IDC? (Number of correct answers 2)

6. The ScheduleKeyDeletion function lets you schedule a time to delete Key Management Service (KMS) keys.

How far in the future can a key deletion event be scheduled?

7. After a customer uses Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Premium Service, a 502 error is prompted.

Which of the followings are the possible causes of the error? (Number of correct answers 3)

8. Data Risk Control feature has been integrated into Alibaba Cloud WAF. When this function is activated, a script must be embedded into the page that wishes to be protected under the corresponding domain name to check whether a client is trustworthy.

Which type of script is it?

9. You have set an alert policy for the disk usage of an ECS instance by using Alibaba Cloud CloudMonitor Each measurement cycle lasts for 5 minutes, during which the average disk usage is measured If the average disk usage exceeds 80% for five consecutive measurement cycles, an alert will be reported.

After your average disk usage exceeds 80%, how long will it take to receive an alert with the best case scenario?

10. Alibaba Cloud Security Center can record source IP addresses that remotely access a server, and shield suspicious IP addresses that frequently connect to the server. During routine O&M.

Which of the following functions can be used to set the IP address that are commonly used by the system administrator'?


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