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ACP-Cloud1 Alibaba Cloud ACP-Prüfungsfragen Real ACP-Cloud1 Study Guide Online

ACP-Cloud1 Alibaba Cloud ACP-Prüfungsfragen Real ACP-Cloud1 Study Guide Online

Die ACP Cloud Computing-Zertifizierung richtet sich an Personen, die mit Cloud Computing vertraut sind und über umfassende Kenntnisse der Alibaba Cloud-Produkte verfügen, die ein Spektrum der Alibaba Cloud-Kerndienste abdecken, einschließlich Architektur, Netzwerk, Cloud-Sicherheit und Best Practices. Echter ACP-Cloud1 Study Guide Online bereitgestellt von enthält gültige ACP-Cloud1 Alibaba Cloud ACP-Prüfungsfragen und -Antworten könnten Ihre besten Vorbereitungsmaterialien sein, um Ihnen zu helfen, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Alibaba Cloud-Kerndienste zu testen. Wir stellen sicher, dass wir unseren Verbrauchern führende ACP-Cloud1-Prüfungsfragen stellen und ihre Bewertungen erhalten, um uns selbst zu verbessern. Probieren Sie den ACP-Cloud1-Studienführer von mit aktuellen Fragen und Antworten aus, um den ACP-Cloud1-Test zu bestehen.

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1. Company A constructed a sales management platform using three Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. One of the instances runs MySQL, and is used as the database server. The other two instances are used as Web servers After some time, the number of employees in Company A dramatically increases, leading to higher sales volumes At the same time, the platform response speed is gradually decreasing too.

According to the report from CloudMonitor, the average CPU utilization rate of the two Web servers exceeds 70%, and database load reaches 75% Company A can select Alibaba Cloud_________ cope with the issue and optimize the performance. (Number of correct answers: 2)

2. Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in different Security Groups will definitely have no way to communicate with each other.

3. Which of the following statements is NOT correct, when comparing RDS with a self-built database?

4. Many websites have suffered DDoS attacks of different volumes. Therefore, accurate understanding of DDoS attacks is critical to website security protection .

Which of the following statements about DDoS attacks is the MOST accurate?

5. Alibaba Cloud SLB can distribute user requests to backend ECS instances. These ECS instances must have the same specification (CPU, Memory)

6. The backend server pool of an Alibaba Cloud SLB contains multiple ECS instances, which may have different service capacities.

To exploit the different service capacities of backend ECS instances, which of the following statements is correct?

7. You would like to deploy your applications on Alibaba Cloud to meet requirements including cost reduction, improving service availability, fast deployment- and redundant backup Alibaba Cloud_________products can help meet these requirements (Number of correct answers 3)

8. The difference between public and private Server Load Balancers (SLBs) is that private SLBs connect to their backend ECS instances using the private network (Intranet) while public SLBs connect to their backend ECS instances using the public network (Internet).


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