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ACA System Operator Certification Exam ACA-Operator Neueste Prüfungsfragen

ACA System Operator Certification Exam ACA-Operator Neueste Prüfungsfragen

Die ACA-Systembetreiber-Zertifizierungsprüfung ist die Associate-Stufe der Alibaba Cloud-Systembetreiber-Zertifizierungsprüfung, die den Zertifizierten technisches Know-how in Bereitstellung, Verwaltung und Betrieb in Alibaba Cloud verleiht. ACA-Operator neueste Prüfungsfragen von Experten geschrieben, die über langjährige Erfahrung in Bezug auf die Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse der Prüfung verfügen. Die neuesten Alibaba Cloud ACA-Operator-Prüfungsfragen, die Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt werden, garantieren die besten Ergebnisse für Ihren entsprechenden Alibaba ACA-Systembetreiber-Zertifizierungstest.

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1. Which of these Alibaba Cloud services are used for security (either credentials management, logging, or auditing?) (Number of correct answers: 3)

2. As the system administrator of a multinational company, you are responsible for the accounts and resources management on the cloud.

Which of the following solutions are suitable for your company’s IT Governance? (Number of correct answers: 3)

3. Alibaba Cloud Cloud Monitor is a service that monitors Alibaba Cloud resources and internet applications.

Which of the following functions are provided by Cloud Monitor? (Number of correct answers: 4)

4. Which database utility is suitable for automate perception, healing, optimization, O&M, and security assurance for databases?

5. When you use SQL statements to access tables in a database without an index configured, a full table scan will be performed. If a table contains a large amount of data, this kind of scan will access a large amount of data and consume a lot of the database's resources.

Which of the following options are best practices when creating database indexes? (Number of correct answers: 3)

6. You need to log all actions taken by users of your Alibaba Cloud account, whether via the command line tools or the web console.

Which Alibaba Cloud product can you use to create a log of user operations?


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