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ACA-Entwicklerzertifizierung ACA-Entwickler Neuester Studienführer mit echten Fragen und Antworten

ACA-Entwicklerzertifizierung ACA-Entwickler Neuester Studienführer mit echten Fragen und Antworten

ACA-Entwicklerzertifizierung Die ACA-Entwicklerprüfung ist die Associate-Stufe der Alibaba Cloud-Entwicklerzertifizierung, die für Personen gedacht ist, die Entwicklungspositionen innehaben und Alibaba Cloud-Produkte verwenden, um Alibaba Cloud-basierte Anwendungen zu verwalten und zu warten. Es wird empfohlen, die ACA-Developer-Zertifizierung mit dem neuesten ACA-Developer-Studienführer zu studieren. Besuchen Sie, um ACA-Developer-Prüfungsfragen und -Antworten in einer PDF-Datei herunterzuladen, damit Sie sich gut auf die ACA-Developer-Zertifizierungsprüfung vorbereiten können.

Außerdem können Kandidaten zuerst die kostenlosen ACA-Entwicklerfragen lesen

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1. You can use Alibaba Cloud Data transmission service (DTS) or the open source tool Redis-shake to migrate and synchronize data from a local Redis instance to an Alibaba Cloud Redis instance.

What is one feature which DTS has but Redis-shake does not?

2. you have a Node.js based application and you plan to migrate it to Alibaba Cloud Function Compute, which of the following steps is unnecessary?

3. To meet data analytics requirements on large datasets, which of these databases can meet the demand for structured and semi-structured storage for almost all types of data, albeit with limited support for strong transactions?

4. Company A has a large number of files store in Alibaba Cloud OSS that need to be deleted (numbering in the tens of thousands).

What is the fastest, easiest way to delete these files?

5. Which of the following database connection methods does ApsaraDB for Redis support? (Number of correct answers: 2)

6. During the process of backing up an RDS database, a developer found that the backup failed.

What might cause this to happen?

7. Which of the following options is not included in Object Storage Service (OSS) object URLs?

8. Assume that a company uses ApsaraDB for PolarDB. The company commonly queries users based on their basic information, including: addresses, company names, and ID numbers.

In this scenario, what is the best practice for creating a database index (or indexes)?

9. Which of the following are correct, regarding RAM users? (Number of correct answers: 3)


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